
Debt and Ratings


Issuer Issuance Ticker Rating Interest rate Issuance amount Issuance date Maturity Payment of interests Amortization dates Principal amortized Reports**
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A 7th Debenture Issuance HAPV17 Fitch Ratings (05/09/2024) AAA(bra) CDI + 1.60% p.y. R$1.0 billion 05/10/2024 05/10/2031 Semiannual
05/10/2029 R$333.3 million Click here to access the report
05/10/2030 R$333.3 million
05/10/2031 R$333.3 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A 5th Debenture Issuance HAPV15 Fitch Ratings (12/20/2023) AAA(bra) CDI + 1.75% p.y. R$1.0 billion 12/27/2023 01/27/2030 Semiannual
01/27/2030 R$1.0 billion Click here to access the report
BCBF Participações S.A. 1st CRI Issuance (Virgo) N/A Fitch Ratings (12/12/2022) AAA(exp)sf(bra) CDI + 0.75% p.y. R$1.0 billion 12/15/2022 12/15/2034 Semiannual
12/15/2027 R$542.5 million Click here to access the report
IPCA + 7.0913% p.y. 12/17/2029 R$362.2 million
IPCA + 7.2792% p.y. 12/15/2034 R$95.4 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A 3rd Debenture Issuance HAPV13 Fitch Ratings (04/18/2022) AAA(bra) CDI + 1.60% p.y. R$2.0 billion 05/10/2022 05/10/2029 Semiannual
05/10/2028 R$1.0 billion

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05/10/2029 R$1.0 billion
Ultra Som Serviços Médicos S.A. 1st CRI Issuance (Virgo) N/A Fitch Ratings (11/03/2021) AAA(exp)sf(bra) IPCA + 5.7505% R$1.0 billion 12/21/2021 12/15/2031 Semiannual
12/17/2029 R$500.9 million

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12/15/2031 R$500.9 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. 2nd Debenture Issuance HAPV12 Fitch Ratings (10/11/2021) AAA(bra) CDI + 1.45% p.y. R$1.3 billion 10/30/2021 04/30/2027 Semiannual
04/30/2026 R$625.0 million Click here to access the report
04/30/2027 R$625.0 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. 2nd Debenture Issuance HAPV22 Fitch Ratings (11/10/2021) AAA(bra) CDI + 1.65% p.y. R$1.3 billion 10/30/2021 04/30/2029 Semiannual
04/30/2028 R$625.0 million
04/30/2029 R$625.0 million
BCBF Participações S.A. 6th Debenture Issuance BCBF16* Fitch Ratings (10/07/2021) AA+(bra) CDI + 1.60% p.y. R$1.2 billion 10/07/2021 10/07/2027 Semiannual
10/07/2025 R$400.0 million Click here to access the report
10/07/2026 R$400.0 million
10/07/2027 R$400.0 million
BCBF Participações S.A. 5th Debenture Issuance BCBF15* Fitch Ratings (11/03/2021) AA+(bra) CDI + 2.65% p.y R$700.0 million 11/04/2020 11/04/2025 Semiannual
11/04/2023 R$233.3 million Click here to access the report
11/04/2024 R$233.3 million
11/04/2025 R$233.3 million
BCBF Participações S.A. 4th Debenture Issuance BCBF14* CDI + 2.65% p.y. R$750.0 million 09/22/2020 09/22/2025 Semiannual
09/22/2023 R$250.0 million
09/22/2024 R$250.0 million
09/22/2025 R$250.0 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. 1st Debenture Issuance HAPV11 Fitch Ratings (05/20/2021) AAA(bra) 109% CDI R$1.8 billion 07/10/2019 07/10/2024 Semiannual
07/10/2022 R$588.3 million Click here to access the report
07/10/2023 R$588.3 million
07/10/2024 R$588.3 million
Hapvida Participações e Investimentos S.A. 1st Debenture Issuance HAPV21 Fitch Ratings (05/20/2021) AAA(bra 110.55% CDI R$235.1 million 07/10/2019 07/10/2026 Semiannual
07/10/2025 R$117.6 million
07/10/2026 R$117.6 million
Notre Dame Intermédica Saúde S.A. 3rd Debenture Issuance NDMI13 CDI + 1.60% p.y. R$800.0 million 08/01/2019 08/01/2024 Semiannual
08/01/2022 R$266.7 million
08/01/2023 R$266.7 million
08/01/2024 R$266.7 million


*Debentures migrated to Hapvida Participações
**Portuguese only



Last updated at June 19, 2024.