
Strategy and Competitive Advantages


Health Care Plans

The medical assistance plans, both in the individual/family and corporate categories, are marketed in all states of Brazil. The Company prefers to offer these services in cities where it has its own care network.

For contracts with large regional and national companies, the Board seeks clients with at least 70% of their employees in cities where the Company has infrastructure. We believe this strategy is essential to achieving our goal of providing quality service at low cost.

The Company divides its clients into two major areas: (a) retail and (b) corporate. The first is managed by a team of commercial managers who handle relationships with commercial representative partners, with sales targets for individual/family plans, collective membership plans, and corporate plans for companies with up to 99 beneficiaries. The Company’s experience shows a similarity in profile between these types of clients, especially those with individual plans, collective membership plans, and small businesses. The corporate sector, on the other hand, focuses on larger companies with at least 100 employees, which generally have more structured HR departments and conduct more in-depth analyses of companies in the sector.

The Company’s sales network includes brokers, who concentrate on large and medium-sized corporate clients, and commercial representatives, who focus on small corporate clients and individual clients. The compensation structure, designed to motivate and direct these brokers and commercial representatives, is based on the following premises:

Brokers, affiliated with large brokerage and sales companies, receive a variable percentage of the total remuneration of closed contracts while they are in effect, due to the value and intelligence they add to managing these clients; and
Commercial representatives, who operate in a less sophisticated market segment, are remunerated through fixed commissions calculated based on the beneficiaries’ monthly fees.

Additionally, the Company adopts a certification policy for commercial representatives. The higher the number of sales, the lower the cancellation rate (loyalty), and the lower the beneficiaries’ default rate, the better the representative’s classification. The certification has four categories: Diamond, Gold, Silver, and Unclassified. Commissions paid on sales range from 2.3 times to 3.2 times the beneficiary’s monthly fee, depending on the representative’s classification.

Moreover, the Company has a sales team called Adesão, which works to recruit relatives, neighbors, and friends of beneficiaries to expand its reach within the clients’ relationship networks.

To maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, the Company has a Customer Relationship area that works in post-sales, addressing beneficiary demands and serving as the interface between the Company and the final customer.

Dental Plans

The dental assistance plans have different characteristics. Due to the lower complexity of procedures and the wide availability of dentists in the country, the Company believes that operating exclusively through a credentialed network is more beneficial for beneficiaries and generates value for shareholders. Thus, the dental plans already cover all states in the country. As new clients are acquired, the Company seeks to credential dentist partners to build a value chain between the Company, the beneficiary, and the dentists.

Using proprietary technology and systems, the Company strengthens the Hapvida-Dentist-Beneficiary relationship, always providing options close to the clients and filling relevant slots in the dentists’ schedules. Beneficiaries can schedule appointments through an app, website, or phone. Dentists can access the system to check their schedules, plan appointments, and manage financial flow.

The sales network for dental plans is composed of sales teams focused on retail and corporate sectors, operating through independent brokers and commercial representatives, as well as alternative sales channels called “affinity,” which means sales through partners.

Dentist credentialing is carried out according to network sufficiency, using georeferencing technology software to identify dentist appointments with Hapvida beneficiaries. When necessary, an on-site and remote team (call center operators) analyzes the database and dentist referrals, contacting them to collect the necessary documentation for registration. After credentialing, dentists receive the required training to operate the Company’s systems and protocols. Finally, the dentist becomes available in the credentialed network, allowing beneficiaries to schedule procedures through the app, website, or call center platforms.

Competitive Advantages

Our Exclusive Service Network

The Company believes that its units are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to provide high-quality and productive care. The network is distributed across various neighborhoods in the cities where it operates, prioritizing locations with easy access to public transportation. In major capitals, presence in peripheral neighborhoods is prioritized to avoid long distances for beneficiaries. In Fortaleza, for example, the Company has five hospitals, four emergency care units, seventeen clinics, and nineteen diagnostic imaging and laboratory collection units. Notable among these are high-complexity hospitals such as Hospital Luis França, exclusively for pediatric care, and Hospital e Maternidade Eugênia Pinheiro, which offers exclusive services for women.


One of the Company’s innovation fronts is the provision of an app for doctors, allowing the evaluation of laboratory and imaging tests in the palm of their hands, thereby increasing efficiency. A dedicated team analyzes surgical patterns through an internally developed analytics platform to identify deviations in surgical procedures, aiding in cost management and treatment quality.

The Company is the only one in the sector to have all beneficiary medical records in electronic form, with biometric verification for procedures performed within its own network. Technological platforms allow the registration of information on procedures performed in the credentialed network, ensuring a complete patient history, helping to reduce waste and ensuring correct diagnosis and treatment.

Beneficiaries can interact with professionals through an app for online follow-up consultations. The first consultation is in person, and if necessary, the follow-up consultation can be done via the app.

The Board of Directors has two technical groups focused on process optimization and service quality: the Preventive Medicine and Protocols Commission and the Supplies and Hospital Quality Commission.

 Other Products and Services

Although the care units are primarily for beneficiaries, some hospitals offer services to other health plans or private clients, who receive the same quality of care.



Last updated at June 20, 2024.